Medical Devices

Inhousetrainings Medizinprodukte

MP-IH Dates

What is in-house training?

Für Inhousetrainings im Bereich Medizinprodukte bestehen besondere Anforderungen. Gerne beraten wir Sie telefonisch unter +43 743 34 23 22-12 oder per Mail.


We provide dates on request and looking forward to your contact.

Please note that deviations from the new course program may arise in terms of content and participation fees.

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Our experts

Impartial. Competent. Trustworthy.


Ms. Dr. Anni Koubek

Executive Vice President Sector Management Medical Devices

Network partner

Mr. Andreas Aichinger, MSc

Network partner, Product Expert Trainings Medical Devices


quadratisches Portraitbild von Ingrid Blaimauer

Ms. Ingrid Blaimauer

Product Manager Medical Devices (QMD Services GmbH for Quality Austria)

+43 732 34 23 22