
MAQMSR – Minimum Automotive Quality Management System Requirements for Sub-Tier Suppliers

AMA | 0 Dates

What is in-house training?


  • Control plans (Produktionslenkungsplan)
  • Process approach (Prozessorientierter Ansatz)
  • Performance (Leistung)
  • Internal auditing (Interne Audits)
  • Control of non-conforming products (Lenkung fehlerhafter Produkte)
  • Part Approval (Produktfreigabe)
  • Management responsibility (Verantwortung der Leitung)
  • Risk Management (Risikomanagement)
  • Product safety (Produktsicherheit)

Dauer: 1 Tag bzw. je nach Bedarf


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Mr. Michael Dragosits, MSc

Executive Vice President Sector Management Automotive


Mr. Thomas Mayer

Business Development Automotive


Ms. Natalia Erhart

Business Development Automotive

+43 732 34 23 22