Risk, Security and Compliance

Course series Risk Managment RM

Im Mittelpunkt der Lehrgangsreihe stehen das operative Risikomanagement und die operative Umsetzung.

Aufgrund der methodischen Nähe zu den Managementsystemen Qualität, Umwelt, Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutz oder Hygiene stellt Risikomanagement eine wertvolle Ergänzung dieser Qualifikationen dar. Die Ausbildung steigert die Qualifikation aller Beauftragten im Unternehmen, egal ob Geschäftsführer*in, Qualitätsmanager*in, Sicherheitsfachkraft, etc.

In der Lehrgangsreihe wird speziell auf die Anknüpfungen zu bestehenden Managementsystemen geachtet.

Risikomanagement ist eine Querschnittsaufgabe, die Aktivitäten der gesamten Organisation betrachtet, insbesondere die Bereiche Finanzen, Produkt- und Dienstleistungsqualität, Umwelt-, Markt- und Informationssicherheit. Ziel ist die nachhaltige Sicherung des Unternehmenserfolges durch die Beherrschung der vorhandenen Risiken. Zusätzlich leistet Risikomanagement einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Nachweis der Sorgfaltspflicht, die jedem*r Geschäftsführer*in bzw. Vorstand gesetzlich auferlegt ist und steigert damit das Vertrauen der Investoren und Versicherungen.

Job profile

Job profile Risk Representative

Risk Representatives can systematically identify operational risks for the organisation. In this respect, they have basic operational understanding of risks and know the most important legal and regulatory basic conditions as well as the fundamental methods and tools.

Job profile Risk Manager

Risk Managers have the knowledge and skills and capabilities necessary to systematically identify and assess general and specific risks for the organisation and to develop and implement action plans for averting or avoiding risks. In this respect, they have comprehensive operational and systematic understanding of risks, know the most important legal and regulatory basic conditions as well as the methods and tools and are capable of systematically integrating operational risk management in the management processes.


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Learning in your own organization

Structure of the course series

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Construction Meanwhile quality management has become an absolute “must” in building industry. Environmental management systems acc. to ISO 14001 and OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety) systems, such as OHSAS 18001 and SCC, are fully en vogue. Almost all medium-sized building companies and, above all, the companies active in building industry have already introduced a quality management system and are now taking action to develop this system towards integrated management systems. Quality management in building industry has become one of the most successful strategies for remaining economically successful on the market even though the requirements are rising constantly. More and more building owners realize both the opportunity and responsibility for demanding and ensuring the quality capability of the companies they entrust when handling building projects. For example, executing companies, subcontractors, professionals and planning and architectural offices are increasingly required not only to evidence their creative performance but, above all, their systemic, organizational and entrepreneurial skills. A Certificate issued by Quality Austria is one of the best ways of doing so. The order situation is becoming more and more difficult while the fact that the prices are decreasing also reduces the revenue. Therefore, the executing companies cannot really afford to be obliged to eliminate damage covered by a warranty and defects of execution (often repetitive failures) afterwards. As is shown by the statistics of damage occurring during construction, the average failure costs amount to 6-8 % of the production costs and thus often devour the whole revenue in many companies. In building industry, quality means the sum of services provided by all the persons involved in the building project. As a rule, responsibility for designing, executing and creating value devolves on different parties (building owner, architect, planner, building contractors, subcontractors, producers of and trade with building material).
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quadratisches Portraitbild von Claudia Kerpe

Ms. Claudia Kerpe, MSc

Head of HR, Business Development Risk, Business Continuity, Compliance and Anti-bribery

Network partner

quadratisches Portraitbild von Erich Birgmayer

Mr. Erich Birgmayer, MSc

Network partner, Product Expert Asset Management and Trainings Safety Management

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